Tuesday 25 February 2014

Personal Update:: The Bad, The Good & The Hiatus

Usually I don’t write blog posts about my personal life but recently a lot of stuff has occurred that I thought about sharing with you guys. 
Feel free to completely ignore this - although I know who you are ==”… okay so maybe not… - or feel free to keep reading. (There’s a TL;DR summary at the end for you lazy ones ;D)
The Bad
I always say start the bad news first, so that’s exactly what I’m going to do.
  • Firstly, I am very sick ;@;
My sleeping pattern is erratic, I can’t fall asleep at night and I can’t stay awake during the day due to the tremendous amounts of fatigue that I feel all the time. If I do fall asleep, it’s usually only for 3 hours (5 max.) I’m tired all the time, my entire body - mainly my legs - is very sore, and I haven’t eaten in days due to lack of energy to cook and/or no appetite. On top of that, I’ve got a cold (and woman troubles OTL)

Actually, I’m quite used to being ill, yay for weak immune systems, but the sleeping problems are causing me a lot of trouble since I keep missing lectures at university which means falling behind. I’ve been ill like this once in the past and it took a great toll on my studies and I’d much rather that didn’t happen again TT___TT

I have an essay due next week that I haven’t even started because I missed the lecture (due to being ill,) which brings me to my next point:
  • My laptop is broken! (_ _)
The part where you plug in the charger has stopped working. Now, this wouldn’t have been a problem had I been at home and the shop I brought it from not having closed down, thus voiding my warranty… Yes, well, unfortunately even my university repair office couldn’t do anything for me, so for the high price of £98 ($160-ish) I can get it repaired, but that means re-budgeting my finances for the next few months and no laptop for atleast a week. :(

But enough of this sad stuff, I have loads of good news to share with you guys, so let’s get on to:
The Good
I actually don’t know where to start with this one, so much has happened/will be happening. 
  • I’m going to Yonsei University this September!
For those who don’t know, I am a first year university student majoring in Korean Studies & Business Management #DoubleMajorHolla #TheRealStruggle As part of my degree program I have a compulsory year abroad in South Korea in which I can study in one of two universities: Yonsei and SKK University. 

Now, both universities are great, don’t get me wrong, but Yonsei is one of Korea’s SKY universities, which is equivalent to the UK’s Russell group and the US’s Ivy League; so going to Yonsei would be like going to Ox-bridge or Yale/Harvard. Yonsei is one of Korea’s oldest university establishments (if not the oldest) and seeing as I already go to a Russell Group school, going to Yonsei would make my CV gold-plated… and guess where my teacher picked me to go?? ;D 
  • Naokicchi is coming to visit :3 + new camera
In other news, fellow BOKUTACHI member (and Admin-sama,) Naoki is coming to spend *10* glorious, fun and fashion filled days with me this Friday (28th) and perfect timing too as I just got a brand new camera!! (Samsung NX300 in white ;O) So expect lots of photos of our homodachi adventures! 

Speaking of pictures, I thought I’d let you guys on a little secret:
  • I’m planning on expanding~~! 
Mainly moving onto other social media, namely, from Tumblr and Twitter onto Facebook and Youtube! Things are still in the works as I’m still brainstorming contents as well as how I’m going to balance recording, editing, blogging and two majors (D:) but when there’s a will, there’s a way, no? My aim is to have started everything up by summer so look forward to more pictures, more posts and new videos! But until then, I have something up and coming for you guys to enjoy too:
  • I’m opening up a web store!
At the moment I’m mainly going to be selling small accessories (designed by yours truly,) but the aim is to eventually start selling real original clothing catered to lovers of K/J-fashion. It’s still undecided whether the clothing will be MODE-kei style or mixed styles but we’ll just have to wait and see~ 

I’ve already received some prototypes and everything is looking good so hopefully the store should have its grand opening by the end of March, or be accepting pre-orders at the very least, so start saving ;O 
The Hiatus
As you guys have read, I’ve got quite a lot on my plate at the moment, and being sick and without my laptop is playing a major part in stunting my productivity and stopping me posting for you guys. 

So, in order to get back on track and hopefully let my health improve, I’ll be taking a short hiatus~~ It won’t be anything longer than two weeks and I might still post the odd update or two, so don’t miss me too much, okay? ;) 
Sorry about the really long post, I’ll try to keep these shorter in future.
The Bad::
  • I’m really /really/ sick and it’s affecting my studies ;o;
  • My laptop is broken, repairs are expensive and I have very limited internet access for the next week
The Good::
  • This September I’ll start attending Yonsei University; a prestigious university in South Korea
  • BOKUTACHI’s admin and my great homodachi, Naokicchi is coming to visit me this Friday for 10 days
  • I got a new camera! (Samsung NX300) :D
  • I’m expanding to youtube + facebook by summer so more posts and now videos! 
  • I’m opening a web store selling accessories (and eventually clothing) in March~! (More details later)
The Hiatus::
  • I’m going on hiatus for about two weeks to recover my health and shit, so adios b*tches!!
I don’t know if you guys enjoyed this post or if you really don’t care xD Drop me a message and let me know?

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