Thursday 19 September 2013

[Photoshoot] After Shower | Hanzel

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Akira tours SEX POT ReVeNGe with Tokyo Rebel!

Akira takes a tour around one of the Harajuku branches of SEX POT ReVeNGE, sharing her thoughts on the punk clothing and styling tips! 

Tuesday 17 September 2013

[SPAZZ] Welcome, Victorian Queen’s Akira!

So.. famous Dansou Host Club: Victorian Queen’s Akira-sama just joined our dansou group on Facebook, and I think its fair to say, we have gone past the stage of shitting bricks, to simply shitting houses. Don’t believe me, then feast your eyes: 

I’m not going to lie, I almost died inside when he liked my comment on his picture. 

As glorious an event as this is, all the members (especially our BOKUTACHI gentlemen) are feeling the pressure to up our dansou game. But the pressure is good because we’ll better ourselves as a result of it and its encouraging us to do the thing we love.  

That’s all for now, excuse me while I go and plan my next photoshoot! 
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