Friday 17 July 2015

#THSChallenge 4th Week of Summer :: Opinions on a Summer Trend

Week 4: Talk about a trend you're loving (or hating) this summer, it can be fashion related, food and health related, even about your favourite TV series, it's totally up to you! 

Being a primarily fashion related blog, of course we're going to talk about our favorite fashion trends, and we've decided we're both going to talk about different trends. Harmony is going to talk about muscle shirts and Hanzel is going to talk about the denim boom. We've had some pretty interesting blog formats for our last few blog posts throughout this blog challenge, so we decided we're just going to take this one easy and keep it short and sweet! We also have something cool to announce at the end of this post so stay tuned! 

:: Muscle Tees :: 
by Harmony Han 

So long story short: I FREAKING LOVE THIS TREND!!! Muscle tees, tops, shirts, whatever you want to call them, essentially these over-sized tanks are the best thing to even happen to the fashion industry (in my opinion anyway!) 

I've always been a big fan of loose fitting and comfortable tops and jumpers, but one of the troubles I find is that you completely loose your figure in them. I mean, they're great for looking cute if that's you're aesthetic but it's not mine and I don't really think the 'cute' look suits me. I'd prefer a more edgy and chic look and I think these muscle tees are a perfect combination of that with the comfort of loose clothing. 

Not only that, there's so many ways to wear them - you could go with plain colours or cool patterns and graphics, and then you can match them up with interesting bandeaux & bralettes as well - I really feel like this is a trend that is super easy to make your own. Also, despite how much skin they show, I feel that they look super modest compared to some really low cut tops or racer backs if you wear them right; I'm not a big fan of showing too much skin, but in the hot weather these tees are perfect for staying cool and modest. 

All in all, I'm a HUGE fan of this trend, and even when they do eventually go out of fashion I can pretty much guarantee I'll still be wearing these bad boys, they're also the perfect way to revamp old graphic tees that you're tired of. Time to start up-cycling! 

:: The Denim 'Trend' :: 
by Hanzel Han

90s trends are coming back hard and fast this year and of course, you can't have 90s trends without denim, lots and lots of denim, but has the obsession with denim gone too far? 

Well, if you're asking me, I think it depends which type of denim you're talking about, denim is not exactly one of those things that ever goes completely 'out of style'. In recent years we've have the skinny jeans trend, the faux skinny jeans (aka jeggings) trend, the high waisted denim shorts trend, the booty shorts trend, and now we've gone full circle back to the all denim 'trend.' 

So... where can I get a pair?
Personally, I don't really consider the denim trend a trend at all, because it never stops trending! Rather than saying we're going through a denim trend, its more which type of denim is trending, and this year, it seems to be distressed boyfriend jeans and personally... I couldn't be happier! 

For myself personally I don't wear a lot of jeans (especially skinnies) any more because I find them incredibly uncomfortable and blue jeans don't really match my style, but I do love distressed black jeans with a passion. Men's denim trends do seem to follow women's to a certain extend because when skinnies were booming, even men's trousers got tighter, but now everything is loosening up enough so now I can actually sit down in my jeans! 

While I do still need to throw out and replace all of my old skinny jeans, I'm glad to know that it'll be much easier for my not only to find jeans that truly match my aesthetic, but also jeans that are actually comfortable to go about in. This years denim 'trend' definitely has two thumbs up for me. Of course, there's a lot more I could talk about like denim shirts and tees, but I think that's for another blog post... 

Now that you'd heard our opinions on some of this years summer trends, wouldn't it be nice if you had a way to keep on top of trends at all times and maybe even hear a little bit of our opinion about them? Well, we're going to be starting up a new blog series called 'Talking Trends' where you can do just that. These blog posts will include all you need to know about any old or new trend you'd like from make-up to fashion, including, links, tips, tutorials and of course, our opinions! We're going to formally introduce this series in our next post and if it continues to be popular, we may even expand it onto our YouTube channel, but only time will tell~ 

Anyhow, that's all for today's blog post, be sure to look out for more information on our 'Talking Trends' series and our other blog challenge posts. Until next time! 


Last Installment: A List of Summer Related Things You Love

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