We know it's be almost a month since our last installment (even though we promised to update at least every two weeks...) but we've seriously been busy/ill during that time! We've been planning future events and had exams and other school commitments, as well as social commitments too, and while we know that's no excuse, all we can offer now is a sincere apology and this really exciting installment of WttH full of things for you to look forward to!
Also there's going to be some changes made to our WttH schedule to prevent our sudden long disappearing acts, so if you wanna know what those are, keep reading!
(Also a real big thanks to those of you that do read these posts! We were worried that you guys would find these boring but there seems to be a select number who read these every time they come out which we really appreciate!)
For the first change to our WttH we've decided to keep the upload section at the start of the post, since our personal sections differ in length every installment and it can be a pain to scroll through. So without further ado...
:: Recent & Upcoming Uploads ::
While we didn't put out a WttH installment, we did put out another type of personal post recently: our Top 10 Things We Miss About The UK master list. We wrote this as a light-hearted and humorous break from all the downbeat posts about us being ill and not being able to do anything and it seemed to do the job. Not only did our friends and family love it, but it also got the biggest reaction out of you guys that we've had in a while. When we go back to the UK, we'll probably do a Top 10 of things we miss about Korea in the same manner, so look out for that!
The other main thing we did this month were our winter lookbooks, yes it's that time of season again (aka the end lolol) so we had to put those out for you guys and to be honest, we actually feel like this were some of our best outfits yet. Especially for Hanzel, this lookbook contained one of his all time favourite coordis, why not check them out and see which is your favourite too?
However, from now on, we're thinking of changing up how we do our lookbooks and OOTDs! In the past we would do OOTDs on our blog and then post our lookbooks at the end of the season but we think that lots of you prefer seeing our outfits in action and then having all the details written down. We also thought it'd be nice to link our OOTDs from throughout the season with the season-end lookbooks too.
So in the spirit of spring - you know, new starts and all that jazz - we're going to try something new! Firstly we're planning on doing OOTD videos along side our blog posts, though we're not sure exactly how we're going to split the information between the videos and posts just yet. Also, we're going to include feature shots of some of our most popular OOTDs (based on your reactions, ie. likes and commetns) in our lookbooks, as well as new outfits. We're also thinking of maybe giving you guys hints of where our style might be going in the coming season too so you can start putting to put together outfits too. We're currently trying to think of ways to incorporate you guys into our lookbooks, mainly by picking outfits you guys like most and maybe even featuring your comments too, doesn't sound like a half bad idea right? We're not 100% sure how it's all going to work just yet but we'd love to hear what you guys think and if you have any ideas?
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Hanzel likes to draw up our outfits plans when he's looking forward to a big fashion event |
Before fashion week, Harmony will be hitting you with a cosmetic haul video and after fashion week, you can also look forward to Hanzel's blog post talking about some of the big 2015 trends in Korea, including trends we see at fashion week and things we see in our day to day lives. Alongside that, Harmony will also /finally/ be uploading her first date themed videos and Hanzel will probably be releasing some more dansou help videos, so you guys definitely have a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks!
Ah, and before we forget! The major change that'll be made to WttH: since we've recently picked up a lot of weekend commitments, from now on we'll be posting our WttH installment on Wednesdays (Korean time) so that we don't end up missing them because we're too busy. This way we'll get more installments out and since its mid-week, we can give you guys a more realistic gauge on what we will/won't be able to put out each week.
:: Personal ::
It's not just our upcoming uploads but also our personal life has been pretty busy too.
The first big event that took up a bunch of our time was our acting competition at school. Each class (of 13 people) had to make up a 7-10 minute play in Korean and present it to the rest of our peers and teachers, and what's more, this was right after midterms so for 2 weeks we had back to back script writing and practice session.
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Our class took a picture to commemorate after the event! |
Outside of school Harmony has also taken up a few commitments as she joined our church praise team (since music is her main passion) so on Saturday evenings she goes to practice and then performs the following day. We recently moved church building so we haven't been on many group trips but we did go to watch Butterface Cucumber-bee's new movie, Imitation Game! (Don't worry, we won't spoil it for you.) Actually it was slightly awkward since there are both British and German members of our church and well, the movie is about the WW... to be completely honest, we do get a bit moved when we watch war movies set back home but all of us laughed it off afterwards and joked about how the French are the real enemy now. We were joking of course!
On another music note - pun greatly intended - as most of you know we are HUGE DB5K fans, and Junsu recently released a new album, Flower, which we are totally in love with! (Our favourite song is 'Love's Breath' or 사랑숨 by the way.) We did try to get tickets to both his and Jaejung's concert but Interpark was being a b*tch and not letting us check out >_> But instead our flatmate was kind enough to buy us not only the first, but also the second of Junsu's Concert with Orchestra concert DVDs which we streamed for 6 hours straight! While he's not our bias, we definitely do love Junsu's voice the best!
Besides all that, the only other thing we done recently is shopping, but not for clothes for once! Well, technically... We went back to Kyobo Book Centre to re-try raiding the Japanese magazine rack and we did actually successfully find 2 issues of Kera magazine, as well as another magazine we hadn't read before called Mer; it seemed to have the style that Harmony wanted to go for this spring so she just brought it.
We also purchased another Korean self improvement book and a fashion design sketch technique book for Hanzel as he loves designing clothes and wants to get back into it, so be prepared to see lots of that on our Instagram! Speaking of Instagram, we also got a new compact camera so we're hoping to upload more high quality pictures as our phone cameras are quite frankly, embarrassing...
:: Medical Update ::
And the last change being made to our WttH, we're adding a new section dedicated solely to our medical health. As you guys know from the last few installments, we've been pretty under the weather and although we're getting treatment, honestly speaking we're not much better off that we were before. This section is going to be our way to update you on our condition and keep those of you who are worried about us (which we really appreciate) in the loop.
At the moment we're taking iron supplements for our anemia. At first we used to get really bad stomach aches as a side affect but now those have mostly died down. However, energy-wise the medication doesn't seem to be making much of a difference; though that could well be our fibromylagria causing that anyway. There are still lots of days when we're in pain but we're learning to manage it better by sleeping and eating right. Which brings us to the other annoying thing: we're constantly gaining weight too. In the last month we've gain about 2kg and it's all gone directly to our faces, but, hopefully now that the weather is warming up we'll finally be able to get out and do some exercise again and maintain our physical condition a bit better.
:: Conclusion ::
It must seem like a bit of an information overload since we're updating you with so much all at once this installment, which we apologise for but please bear with us! All you need to remember is WttHs will be on Wednesdays and OOTDs will have videos from now on, lookbooks are going to have feature the outfits that you like the most throughout the season so express your opinion to make it count and we have a whole bunch of fun and exciting stuff planned for you during Seoul Fashion Week!
We really want to step up our game this year and we're really treating spring like a new beginning so our only hope is that you'll still around to watch us make all the changes we want and flourish into something much more beautiful! Until next time guys~!
Read Our Last Installment: Keeping Our Heads Above Water
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