Series List

Here is a complete list of all the ongoing series on both our blog and YouTube, so you never miss an episode or installment. 

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This is our most frequent of all our series and it's basically our way of giving you guys an insight into our daily lives, as well as giving you a regular forecast on uploads you can expect from us.

1. Gangnam, COEXartium & Paper Birds
2. Culture, Health & Beauty
3. Keeping Our Heads Above Water
4. Movies, Magazines & Movements
5. So Goodbye, Don't Cry & Smile
6. Imagine Your Korea (Video) & Travelogue (Blog)

:: Style Introductions ::
(Blog Series) by Hanzel Han

Probably the most popular of our series so far, Hanzel introduces our readers to many well known (and some not-so-well-known) fashion styles, ranging from Japanese alternative to Korean contemporary fashion. In this series you can discover new styles as well as a little history on them and learn how to pull them off yourself. 

Our newest blog series where we tell you all you need to know about any old or new trend you'd like to know about from make-up to fashion, including, links, tips, tutorials and of course, our opinions!

1. Korean Fashion Trends in Early 2015
2. Series Introduction 
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