Actually, because the 'personal' section of this post is going to be unfortunately, fairly serious, we're going to talk about our uploads first this time around and then get to the knitty-gritty of our illnesses later...
:: Recent & Upcoming Uploads ::
Harmony: In our last WttH post I told you guys that I had some Valentine's themed videos prepared for you guys, but unfortunately due to us being incredibly ill, we were hardly able to blog, talk less film, in the last two weeks, so I wasn't able to do those videos as I announced on our Facebook page. That said, while Valentine's Day has passed, I still intend to record and upload those videos as a 'First Date' theme instead since I really put a lot of effort into planning those videos and would really like to share them with you guys.
While we weren't able to do much, Hanzel had previously recorded our Q&A video made up of all the questions you guys asked during our giveaway event! But not only that, he recorded the entire video in Korean! It was quite the ordeal to record but we had tonnes of fun with it, we'd definitely like to do a video all in Korean again. (Oh my, it'll probably be me next time, won't it...) It was also nice that we got loads of personal questions as well as general ones, it's really sweet to know that you guys want to know more about us personally too.
Speaking of personal things, a LOT of people have been requesting that I do an updated post on my skincare routine so I finally managed to put that up too! I'd been working on it over the past month so fortunately it wasn't too much of a strain to put up this week~ be sure to check that out if you're interested! (Unfortunately I've broken out slightly since I've been under the weather OTL)
Hanzel: While we haven't been able to upload much in these last two weeks, we still have every intention of uploading as much as possible in the coming weeks. While we are still sick, there's nothing we hate more than sitting around doing nothing when he have tonnes of ideas flowing through our heads. This week is also Chinese New Year so we have a glorious 5-day weekend that we intend to spend recording videos for you guys to enjoy.
As Harmony already mentioned she'll be recording her promised videos, but along side that we'll also finally be recording our Winter lookbooks! We've both really excited as we feel these lookbooks really capture our personal styles, so we can't wait to share them with you. That said, since we're still under the weather, there won't be very much fancy editing and cut-scenes like last time; while we did want to bring a more 'editioral' feel to the video, it's just something we don't have the strength to do. However, lookbooks are mainly about the outfits, right? So we'll still be bringing all we have to the table in that aspect; I guarantee these are definitely lookbooks to look forward to!
Last but not least, not really an upload per say, but notice anything new about our website? You've probably noticed by now, but we've changed theme to this sleek and sexy monochrome one. We actually took the pictures for this theme ourselves using things in our bedroom and we're quite happy because it really captures our personalities and style, even though it's such a simple theme. What do you guys think?
:: Personal ::
As many of you know, we haven't exact been in the best of health recently so we finally upped and went to the hospital to figure out just exactly is wrong with us. We told you about how the doctor was extremely receptive and fortunately that hasn't changed.
Hanzel: During the last two weeks, we've been to the hospital another 3 or 4 times for tests and all sorts, and we've finally been given a diagnosis and some medication. Unfortunately, our diagnosis wasn't exactly great...
As we already knew before, we were told we had IBS and slightly low blood pressure, but that these were actually underlying symptoms of 2 other conditions we have. The first being Anaemia. Now, Anaemia is a fairly common condition that is fairly simple to treat, all you have to do is eat right and take iron supplements which is what we were given, but unfortunately the medication does have some nasty side effects. The most notable of them being incredibly bad stomach pains, which doesn't go well with our second diagnosis.
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Look at the cute Valentine's day chocolates our classmate made us and cheer up <3 |
Not only that, but the only real long term 'cure' for this condition is constant healthy living and even then a majority of people aren't cured. While we did manage to find out why we always feel so fatigued and in pain all the time, unfortunately even with treatment it doesn't look as though we're going to be getting any better any time soon... We're doing our best now to follow doctors orders, but of course it's hard. Right now our full diagnosis is:
- Insomnia
- Low Blood Pressure
- IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
- Anaemia
- Fibromylagria
And whilst dealing with all that we've still go school every day, exams, our 'social life', blogging and recording/editing videos... The saddest part is there isn't anything out of all that that we want to give up either. Doing well at school is something important to us, and one of our goals for this year was being more sociable since we've basically lived in a bubble the last few years... but at the same time we also don't want to give up YouTube-ing and blogging since its are only stress release (as stressful as it is) so all we can learn to cope.
Harmony: At the moment we're trying to turn our lifestyle around by eating and sleeping healthier, and since you guys said you want to see some dance videos, we're using that as motivation to start exercising again! We actually used to love sports but stopped because of how tired and busy we were, who'd have thought it'd be part of the treatment for our fatigue XD We'll also be trying to put together a more flexible schedule for videos and uploads so that we're not bogged down with work to do too. It'll be difficult at first we're sure, but hopefully we'll get to the point where everything is manageable. Wish us luck!
Anyhow, that enough of the negatives. We did have a couple of good things happen these last two weeks too! Last week Saturday (February 7th), I went for another of the youth activities that our church, Somang International Church, runs for all its members. This time around we went for a cultural experience where we got to try on Hanbok in Anguk!
This is only my second time every wearing a Hanbok so I was super excited. But my final form only truly came together when my friend placed a wig, fashioned after the hairstyle that Queen would have in Joseon dynasty, on my head!
I spent the rest of the afternoon being called 'Your Majesty' and even won these cute socks for being in the Top 3 best dressed!
While I felt unprepared, a quite honestly, not very good looking the first time I wore a Hanbok, this time around I had come fully prepared and I can honestly say I felt great! Not to mention that Hanbok are extremely comfortable too. If only I could afford one of my own...
Hanzel: Besides that we didn't do much else activity-wise, but we have been preparing for future activities. During the Q&A video I answered a question about recent trends in Korea, so I've actually decided to write a blog post on that in our new series 'Talking Trends' (formal introduction in our next WttH installment ;P) But, rather than just observing and writing the post myself, I thought it'd be nice to go and take actual street snaps of actual Koreans sporting some of these trends! So, in a bid to be a bit 'professional' Harmony and I spent a few hours making some cute 'business cards' (since we've yet to order any.)
While they aren't too my personal taste - you can tell who was in-charge of designing them - they do show character so hopefully people will take us seriously and respond well to us asking to take their picture~
That aside, we also took a trip to Kyobo Book Centre to buy a couple books since we both love reading, and we thought there'd be no better way to expand our Korean knowledge and practice our Japanese than by reading books in those languages.
The first book we got is a self-improvement book called 'I'm Happy Because You Exist'; this genre is extremely popular in Korea. Essentially, it's a book full of short positive messages and lessons to help you grow as a person and live more positively as an individual and with people around you. This is the second of this kind of book we are reading and it's extremely uplifting, we've even been quoting things in this book to people.
We've actually been thinking of posting a quote a week in our website sidebar, would you guys
be interested in that?
be interested in that?
The other book is a Japanese book based off a true story called 'A Litre of Tears', if any of you are into Japanese dramas then I'm sure you'd have heard of it. It's a sad story about a young girl fighting a degenerative disease and when we watched the drama a few years ago, we were honestly moved to tears. We definitely recommend the book or drama to anyone interested, it definitely gives you a new more thankful outlook on life... (Don't watch the movie version though, it's terrible!)
Harmony: The last thing that happened in the last week is that we had midterms! In all honesty we were both pretty freaked out because we'd missed so much school and all the grammar was new to us this semester, but fortunately the work we put in at home seemed to pay off: our marks averaged out at over 90% and were actually our best marks so far!
:: Conclusion ::
Anyhow, as you can see, the last two weeks have been stress filled and tiring to say the least, but there's no use crying over spilled milk right? All we can do now is work on getting our health back to 100% and getting back to doing the things we love.
We can't really promise much in terms of the frequency of blog posts and videos, but please understand that we're doing our very best and anything we do manage to put out definitely has our heart in it 150%!
This is all from us this time round guys, we'll see you in a week or two!
Read Our Last Installment: Culture, Health & Beauty
Read Our Last Installment: Culture, Health & Beauty
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