This week is my reading week at uni - essentially a week off to catch up on homework for those of your not familiar with the UK school system - so I'm nothing short of snowed under with work. But in a bid to recharge, I took a break to roam around the internet (as you do) and I came across this great post idea called 'Taking Stock' on my best friend's blog - her name is Wunmi and she's legit the most exemplary person I know; don't worry, I'll introduce her to you in due time ;D
Anyhow! Back to the post: in short 'Taking Stock' is all about self-reflection which is something I love to do, and I thought this would be a great way for you guys to get to know me too, since it covers a lot of stuff I usually don't get to talk to you guys about. I plan to keep my answers 'short' (ha!) but hopefully from reading this you'll learn something new about me, and also start to reflect on yourself a bit too!
(N.B. I wrote this a few days ago, but so much has changed in that time so all my side comments will be in this colour)
(N.B. I wrote this a few days ago, but so much has changed in that time so all my side comments will be in this colour)